
Jean Kuhn

Business Strategist & Speaker

Reliable – Revenue – Results

Jean Kuhn Business Strategist
Business Plan

Every Business Needs a Strategy Plan for Success… What’s Yours?

Business owners struggle with cash flow for a couple of reasons:

  1. Not enough leads
  2. Not enough closed sales

Imagine what your income would look like if you were able to double, triple…or even quadruple your revenue in 12 short months.

Now imagine you were able to do this even during a country shut down. 

So, I’ll ask again. What is your plan?

Jean Kuhn can create a custom designed, simple, business success plan just for you! And it incorporates:

  • Your Revenue Plan
  • Your Marketing Plan
  • Your Lead Generation Plan
  • Your Sales Plan

Hey, you got into business for yourself to get paid what you’re worth, have more freedom time, and have a bigger impact in your world.

You work hard, and yet, you haven’t found that sweet spot, where you can kick back a little and let the business run without you. It’s because you don’t have any of the above plans.

The average small business is viable for 1-3 years without a plan. Check out the diagram below for the stages of business ownership.

Cycle of Business Jun 2020

It doesn’t have to be like this.

When you have a success plan, you know what you need to do to generate leads on an ongoing basis, what marketing strategies you need to generate new leads, and how to close those leads without sounding pushy or “salesy”.

Whew! Wouldn’t it be great to know that?

Just click here to book your complimentary 3 Steps to More Clients/More Cash  call with Jean. And she will get you on the path to owning and loving your business for a long, long time.


5 No-Cost Marketing Strategies That Make Your Business More Appealing & Profitable

Is it possible to market your business, grow your list and build your business using these marketing strategies that are no cost? 

YES, it is!

It’s exactly how I turned around 2 bankrupt businesses that I purchased in 12 months.


Speaking for Business is:


You’re great at what you do; you have tried all of the marketing “tricks” out there, and still, nothing has brought in more money.

You have bills, a mortgage, and and a lifestyle you would like to have.  STOP “PAYING YOUR DUES.” GIVE UP LIVING PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK

The struggle is real for business owners in 2024. And the answer is very simple, but are you ready to accept that you could be…say it with me…A Speaker.

It’s true business owners don’t see themselves as salespeople or speakers, and if you want to leapfrog your competition, speaking is where it’s at.

The Second Act Conference

Whether You’re Just Starting Your Second Act with a New Business or You’re in Your Second Act of life with an Old Business, Here is a Little Truth Bomb:

Only 12% of female-led businesses bring in more than $100,000 per year

Here’s the event you’ve been wishing for…filled with business owners like yourself, where every question you have gets answered, and you feel like you can conquer the world.

You’ll learn that when you focus on your ME Economy you don’t have to worry about what is going on in
THE Economy.

October 2-4, 2024
Live and In-Person in
Chicago, IL 

Success Story

“I highly recommend Jean Kuhn’s 1-day event formula, which she taught me in a VIP Day. I immediately turned this into multiple events, and have enjoyed 437% Return on Investment in the first quarter. The value I am now delivering, both immediate and long-term, cannot be overstated. And I am eternally grateful to Jean for her strategic brilliance and for sharing it with me in such a “rubber hits the road” way.”

Susan Glusica, Founder & Money Master Coach,
Unrivaled Realizations LLC

Success Story

If you’re stuck, and need a fresh look at your business strategy, I recommend booking a session with Jean Kuhn—NOW!”

Julia Winchester Buckey, PHD, President/CEO
Decisions Dynamics Consulting, Inc.

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